

Your Body's Own Repair Mechanism, Amplified

Picture this: a dermal filler that utilizes your body’s inherent ability to rejuvenate and heal itself. This isn’t a futuristic concept. Meet Renuva, a cutting-edge treatment that leverages the power of allograft adipose matrix (AAM) to generate new fat tissue, naturally and effectively.

Renuva is a groundbreaking injectable filler that has made significant waves in the world of aesthetics. The product is a patented off-the-shelf adipose (fat) matrix derived from donated human tissue. It is carefully processed to retain the naturally occurring growth factors, proteins, and lipids within adipose tissue. Upon injection, Renuva acts as a scaffold, attracting your body’s native cells to the area and initiating the process of adipose tissue regeneration.

The result? An improvement in the appearance of the skin that feels natural because it is natural. The newly formed fat tissue helps smooth out dimples, divots, wrinkles, and other minor skin irregularities. Renuva is versatile too, as it can be used in a variety of treatment areas such as the hands, face, and any other region that might benefit from the replenishment of subcutaneous fat.

The application process is relatively quick and simple, taking about 10-15 minutes. Local anesthesia can be used to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Post-treatment, patients can return to their normal activities with few restrictions, making Renuva an appealing option for those seeking aesthetic enhancements without a significant downtime.

Of course, with any medical procedure, potential side effects must be considered. Some patients may experience minor side effects like swelling, redness, bruising, and sensitivity at the injection site. However, these are usually temporary and resolve on their own within a few days.

The journey to a more confident you starts with one decision. That is the decision to get treated, why wait Book Online today? If you’re on the fence or have questions brewing, remember: We at Sullivan Dermatology are always here to help.



A Revolutionary Approach to Volume Enhancement

Renuva offers an innovative solution for those seeking to improve the contours of their body or face, delivering results that are natural and lasting. This unique treatment uses allograft adipose matrix to stimulate the body’s own fat production.

FAQs About Renuva

Renuva is an off-the-shelf adipose matrix derived from donated human tissue that promotes your body's natural fat tissue regeneration.

Upon injection, Renuva acts as a scaffold, attracting your body's native cells to the area and initiating the process of fat tissue regeneration.

Renuva is versatile and can be used to treat a variety of areas, including the hands, face, and any other region that might benefit from the replenishment of subcutaneous fat.

Individuals who are looking to improve minor skin irregularities like dimples, divots, and wrinkles, or those who wish to enhance the volume in areas with fat loss, might be good candidates for Renuva.

Potential side effects include minor swelling, redness, bruising, and sensitivity at the injection site. However, these side effects usually resolve on their own within a few days.

Yes, Renuva is a safe treatment option when administered by a trained professional. The product is derived from donated human tissue that undergoes rigorous screening and processing to ensure safety.

The cost of Renuva can vary based on geographic location, individual patient needs, and provider fees. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for a personalized quote.

Initial improvements can be seen immediately after treatment, with final results generally visible once any swelling has subsided and the body has had time to generate new adipose tissue.

During a Renuva treatment, the area to be treated will be numbed with local anesthesia, and then the Renuva is injected. The procedure usually takes about 10-15 minutes.

While Renuva can provide noticeable improvement in skin texture and volume, it's not a substitute for more extensive surgical procedures for significant skin laxity or volume loss.

With the ability to harness the body’s regenerative powers, Renuva stands out as a promising tool in the arsenal of aesthetic medicine. Its unique ability to generate natural adipose tissue sets it apart from traditional fillers, marking a shift in how we approach non-surgical rejuvenation. Offering a natural, effective, and convenient solution, Renuva presents an exciting new horizon in the aesthetic world.

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